As usual, my evenings are spent reading things that I want to - as far as possible, they should not be related to work. Since I was listening to a podcast on the way home on
StoryBrand by Donald Miller, I decided to google more to learn about marketing and such.
Strangely though, I came across topics on CopyWriting. This started a chain of linking from one writer to another writer. All of them professed that copywriting was about the best thing that happened to them as it gave them freedom of time and financial independence. Of course, they were also quick to point out the need for hardwork, and strategies to adopt. As expected though, towards the end of their story, and actually, along the way, the articles were peppered with different 'call-to-action' links. These are usually links to online courses or books or materials where readers are given opportunities to invest to learn.
Interesting though that some time last year, I was also planning to learn how to be a copywriter - this was more for building an economic skill and interest than for a living - though I will not rule out the possibility of the latter. However, my day job got the better of me, and it was only now that I realised I had left my copywriting agenda aside ... and a year has since passed since. Sigh...
I would like to think that this plan of writing on a daily basis will be the beginning of a discovery process of finding that I, too, can be a great copywriter! Look forward to consuming the readings that the various writers have suggested - including
PennyThomas - what could one do when we become sitting ducks due to corporate restructuring... Rather than mope around and wait for things to happen, we could do what Penny did - learn a skill, spend serious time on honing the skill and moving on. For Penny, I will say, based on her article, it's sheer determination/ perseverance and keeping an eye on opportunity that got her where she is. This survival skill is definitely something our next generation can learn from.
In the universe of copywriting, I have probably just taken the first baby step - there are still tonnes of things I have to learn, but I look forward to the day when I get my first copywriting assignment! :)