We had a church service this evening where we revisited the night in the upper room prior to Judas' betrayal of Jesus.
We are reminded that even as far back as Exodus, God had provided for the Israelites in the form of manna.
Then in the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus again provided for the people - this was shortly after the disciples came back from their 'mission trips," (where they were instructed to take nothing with them - i.e. Live by faith). Yet shortly after, they asked Jesus how they were to provide for the people.
Closer to the Garden of Gethsamane, Jesus also broke bread and reminded the disciples that it was his body that was broken for them. Again, God provided the ultimate sacrificial lamb for us in the form of Jesus.
How quickly we forget God's acts and we chuck God aside.
Likewise for us who have received Jesus as our personal Saviour, how quickly do we turn away fro, Him?
Jesus had paid the ultimate price for our salvation - how do we respond to Jesus? When we have to get out of our comfort zone to serve Him - what's our attitude?
Salvation is free, but it was obtained at a high price... Hence not cheap at all......
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