Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Home made Remedy for Bruisers

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A life of a child is marked with bruises and scars.

Having loads of energy that is waiting to be displaced, the kids are always on the lookout for activities that can push them a notch further... One such activity is to try to be acrobatic, even though they have not been trained to be one!

Whenever we drop by grandma's place, the girls will always want to go to the playground where they can experiment and 'perfect' their acrobatic stunts. One such stunt is to attempt to be a bat. In the process of swinging their legs up and down the bar, the shin is one of the most delicate part of the body to ill-treated... and so, one day, someone came back with a bruised ... a badly bruised shin! ouch!

Being the mommy I was stunned to see such a bruise, the size of a 50-cents coin! How should I treat this purplish bump?? One very good remedy i picked from friends was to play chemist at home by combining some body lotion with essential oil. This concoction not only gives out a good scent, it also promotes mother-daughter bonding time as we recount the 'arrival' of the bruise.

Formula for the concoction:
1. any handcream or body lotion
2. add in 3-5 drops of lemongrass essential oil
3. apply gently onto the bruise with lots of TLC

Try it... it is a great time to catch up ... and wince with them... and bond with them...

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