Today marks the 1st day of a month-long school vacations. Very quickly schoolbags were chucked in a corner, and out came creative juices.
The children decided that this will be a day of to celebrate Decoration - a day to give their study tables a new look, design, decoration. Searching through my little store of stationeries, they found rolls and rolls of colourful tapes. Patterns start to form in their minds, and with a little help from sis, they were able to create their masterpieces.
I am glad they found something interesting to do... Tomorrow will be the first day this 'new decoration' will be put to the test. I wonder if the edges of the tapes will come off, and if so, the table will surely be 'stained' by the tape marks. Who's going to give the study table a scrub before another design takes shape? Sigh... I guess I should not pre-empt too much. The tapes will surely come off soon enough, and the kids will be glad when this happens as it gives them a very good reason to create yet another masterpiece for their study table.
Technorati tags: decoration, masterpiece, holiday, colourful tapesTechnorati Profile
Holding down a day job limits the opportunities to staying fit. Today, my husband sms me to take the kids out for the evening, to exercise! I was certainly looking forward to doing some exercise afterall having a healthy body is key to raising kids.
The Alexandra Park near our home was newly done up, with playgrounds located at different segments of the park. The kids were extremely thrilled with the skate park. No, none of them have mastered skateboards yet, but they walked gingerly up the slope before sliding down at break-neck speed!
30 climbs and slides later, we decided to call it a night. Boy! the kids hit the sack really early tonight. Perhaps we should make this a regular event...
Technorati tags: skate, exercise, park, playground
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Our children, despite sharing the same dad and mom, are poles apart when it comes to interests and hobbies.
Today we celebrate as our daughter has successfully passed the test -- the school choir audition. Like her mom, she has been assigned the challenging tune and to sing the alto part.
Shortly after school's out, I received a call from Lydia. The tone on the other side of the line is not one of monotony - the usual "Mom, I'm home, may I watch TV?" Rather, it was a voice that was bouncy, and filled with certain levels of excitement. It was an announcement that she has been selected, shortlisted for the school choir!!! And she was thrilled, to say the least.
While catching her breath, she started updating me on her choir practice schedules and how THE choir members will represent the school in a national level competition in the later part of this year. If HER choir obtains a Gold award for this competition, there is a likelihood that she (and HER choir) will have the chance to perform overseas!
Wow! That brought a smile to my face! For a person who enjoys being in the home front, this successful audition has transformed my daughter and had given her some challenge in the months ahead. I also hope the choir can perform well, and yes, if the children have to travel out of country to perform, and if they need chaperones, I will certainly volunteer...
Technorati tags: school choir, hobbies, competition, travel, celebration Technorati Profile