Monday, May 3, 2010

Milestone Birthday

Lydia is turning 12 this year and has made a special request to invite a few of her friends home to celebrate her hatch day with her. As we usually celebrate birthdays at home, and among family members, I felt her request was valid.

As her birthday was on a weekday, I decided to take the afternoon off and played chaffeur cum event co-ordinator. By the time the girls came over, we only had about 2.5 hours before it's time to get the girls home. Together with 6 friends, the girls waited excitedly for me at the school porch, and hopped in when they spotted our MPV.

Once home, they sang the ever-familiar birthday song to three (!!) of them - Lydia, Valerie & Amanda, who had birthdays within weeks from each other. I thought this is pretty unique too as there's collective memory of the birthday!

Thereafter we decided to share the salvation necklace with Lydia's friends, and positioned it also, as a Mother's Day gift from the girls. As they were all 12 years old, they were able to co-ordinate and helped each other to complete the task. Regardless of whether they understood the salvation story, the fact that they completed the necklace was a great achievement!

Soon, it was time to go - it's wonderful to have photos ... for memories' sake. I hope the girls will continue to remain in contact regardless of which secondary school they go to...

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