Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pixar in Singapore

The Singapore Science Centre has partnered Sheares Asia Production to bring Pixar Exhibition to Singapore! We were priviledged to be invited to the Official Opening last evening.

Nathan was there with us and was thrilled to see his favourite Pixar characters which include Woody, Jessie (from Toy Story); characters from Monster Inc, Cars, Bugs Life. What thrilled me even more was the Zoetrope which makes use of static pictures or figures and alongside rapid circular motion, causes moving pictures. What we witnessed was like magic happening in front of our eyes. We watched Toy Story several times to enjoy the illusion.

While at Pixar Exhibition, we also took some photo memories... Had assured Lydia that I will take her to the exhibition after her examination. I am sure she will enjoy it as much as I did.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday - Agapella

This being Good Friday lots of churches hold various musicals and performances to commemorate Jesus dying on the Cross, but more importantly His resurrection 3 days later.

We had the priviledge of inviting the Agapella group to share their voices with us; and also Rev Edwin Lam from Calvary Baptist Church to share "The Day God Died". This is the first time I hear Rev Lam speak, and I must say he is a fantastic story teller. Yet through the stories, he brought out the truth.

The truth on How Jesus was there when God created the universe, when the stars were cast to decorate the night skies; and yet the pain Jesus endured when He was humiliated and in pain. Jesus chose to die on the Cross for us. Right from the start He knew He came to seek and save the lost.

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